- To provide the analysis of pre-tax of various types of commercial transactions to maximize clients’ interest
- To assist the business, take advantage of tax strategy and draft tax instruments
- To issue tax appraisal report about the involved tax policy, tax burden, tax saving space during the stage of project feasibility study
- To provide recommendations for improvement on tax analysis and program in the business management such as the design of marketing program, the signing of business contracts, business arrangements
- To participate in substantial business negotiation and make comments on the tax items
- To provide tax planning for the high-income individuals, partnerships, public companies, start-up companies
- To provide tax laws and regulations, tax policies related legal documents , guide and consult the content which is difficult to grasp of them in time
- To provide consultations, recommendations and particular solutions about the tax laws and policies of china for domestic and foreign clients
- To provide transnational tax planning and advance for domestic and foreign investment of individuals and companies
- To provide tax planning for the deals as international mergers and acquisitions, restructuring and liquidation, trust and finance leases
- To checkup the tax item of taxpayer's daily business activities regularly, pick out the part which is violate to the tax laws, regulations and policies and to provide countermeasures proposed to remedy the situation, so as not to incur criminal liability or responsibility for tax administration
- To communicate and negotiate with the tax section to seek tax compromise when it is necessary
- With the entrustment of taxpayers to carry out tax administrative review, administrative litigation tax and tax-related criminal